

The gay teen suicide incidence rate in the newly published study is lower than previous research (an oft-cited figure has been that 30 percent of teens who attempt suicide are gay or lesbian), but it is the first study to look at national data.

The report is based upon research gathered from the continuing National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The questions about sexual orientation and suicide, asked in 1995, found that of the 458 youth who reported suicide attempts, 15 percent had a same-sex attraction -- twice the rate for the same proportion of heterosexual teens. Approximately 12,000 adolescent girls and boys participated.
Suicide risk report

In the first national representative study of adolescents (6,254 girls and 5,686 boys) on sexual orientation and suicide, researchers concluded:

    • Attraction: Approximately 7% reported having same-sex romantic attraction or relationships, with same-sex attraction slightly more common among males than females.
    • Suicide attempts: Of the 458 youth that reported suicide attempts in the study, those youths reporting same-sex attraction or relationships account for 15% of these attempts Ð over two times more their proportional representation in the sample.
    • Risk factors: Alcohol, substance abuse and depression are significantly more common among lesbian, gay and bisexual youth. . Chronicle Graphic
More suicide attempts found among gay teens / Study finds rate twice that of straight kids - SFGate


A UCSF study of gay and bisexual young men in Phoenix, Austin, and Albuquerque found that during a six-month period, over a third reported experiencing anti-gay harassment, 5 percent reported anti-gay violence and 11 percent reported anti-gay discrimination.

Young gay men experience high rates of anti-gay violence and harassment | EurekAlert! Science News


The team surveyed 1,285 gay, lesbian and bisexual respondents, and found that 42 per cent of gay men 43 per cent of lesbians and 49 per cent of bisexual men and women had mental health problems as defined by the Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS). The Clinical Interview Schedule is used to assess the severity of complaints associated with a variety of health problems, including low mood or anxiety, fatigue, problems with memory and/or concentration, sleep disturbance, depressed mood, and anxiety.

The researchers believe these high levels of mental problems could be linked to discrimination due to sexuality, with 83 percent of respondents having experienced at least one of the following: damage to property, personal attacks or verbal insults in the past five years, or insults and bullying at school. Many respondents attributed these experiences to their sexuality

They also discovered high levels of deliberate self-harm; 42 percent of gay men, 43 percent of lesbians and 49 percent of bisexual men having planned or committed acts of self-harm.

Discrimination against gay men, lesbians and bi-sexuals could lead to mental health problems | EurekAlert! Science News

 42%のゲイ男性、43%のビアン女性、49%のバイセクシャルはClinical Interview Schedule(CIS)で定義された精神に関する健康問題を抱えている模様。調査対象の83%は学校でいじめられたか、過去5年間に少なくとも1度はproperty*1への損害・個人攻撃や中傷を受けている。また、多数の回答者がこれを自分の性指向のせいだと認識している。やはり自傷傾向に言及があり、半数近く*2が計画か実行している。
 タイトルから分かる通り、上記の調査につきもののゲイの若者における自殺率の高さは偏向調査者の捏造であるとする主張。ktkr! とwktkしながらclck(これは略さなくていいよ)。した訳であるが。

The following are some of Gibson's most tendentious and oft-repeated claims:

  • gay and lesbian youths may account for one third of all youth suicides;
  • homosexual youths are two to three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers;
  • suicide is the leading cause of death among gay and lesbian youth; and
  • gay youth suicide is caused by the internalization of "homophobia" and violence directed at gays.

 いや…でもこのPeter LaBarberaなる人…キンゼイ調査の欠陥を引いてゲイが1割とかあり得ないといいつつ、実際のゲイ自殺者の割合は6%ではないかという指摘を引用して勝ち誇ってみたり(それ少なめなゲイ率から考えると十分デカいですよ)、同性愛は生まれつきというのはゲイ活動家共の捏造とか言い出したり(じゃあ尚更ゲイでも暮らしやすい社会を作らなきゃ駄目なんじゃないですか? LaBarbera氏ご本人は今ノンケかもしれないけど、その主張がアリなら今後ゲイになる可能性もあるんでしょ? この見出しを読んだ時点で精読する気力が無くなったので、詳しくは分かりませんけども。)と微妙な感じがする。でも一応念の為、名前で検索してみたらこんなのが出てきた。

In a lengthy piece in which he condemns both what he considers to be extreme "gay activists" and the less militant, monogamy-seeking "gay mainstream," Peter LaBarbera (pic.) of the so-called "Americans For Truth" says today of the latter queer grouping:

Regularizing sin (deviance) or repackaging it to appear more like normal heterosexual relationships does not make it right.

For those tempted to embrace homosexual monogamy as an acceptable compromise, ask yourself: how do two men consummate their “gay marriage”?

The likelihood that you don’t even want to think about answering that question bespeaks the evilness of organized homosexuality and the illicit nature of all “gay” sex. Supporting “civil unions” as a compromise is merely a capitulation to an agenda that seeks to enshrine wrong and sometimes deadly behavior as a “good” for society.

You don't want it? THEN DON'T HAVE IT! - Good As You:: Gay and Lesbian Activism With a Sense of Humor

 以下LaBarbera氏のゲイ系サイト? の人に対するお手紙部分だけ、大雑把に翻訳してみたらこうなったよ!


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